Map of Kos

Kos island in Greece

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recommended by the french Guide "Guide du Routard"

by the french guide “Guide du routard”

Kos Island

Kos est une destination unique, séduisante et très, très jeune. Pour sa riche (pré)histoire, nous ne vous dirons pas grand-chose ici. En revanche, nous vous parlerons de quelques-unes des activités les plus intéressantes que vous pouvez faire sur l’île pour passer un moment inoubliable. (voir carte de Kos)

And one comment before we start. As on most islands, having a car is a big advantage. But if you don't have one, you should know that public transport on the island is very well organised and you won't have any problems. (see bus timetables in kos KTEL)

Of course, you can start by taking a stroll around the old town. Αdmirate its beautiful architecture, a very interesting mix of Italian and Ottoman tradition which gives it its distinctive identity. Apart from that, you'll find plenty of shops to relax in, whether you want a coffee or some food. And plenty of shopping, if that's what you're after.

"Bar street". That's what the locals call it in English. And it's hardly surprising, as Kos fills up with tourists in the summer. It may not be the number one destination for Greeks, but non-Greeks love it. And this street full of shops, bars and cafés, catering for all tastes, will become your favourite place to spend the evening.

Leaving the capital, you'll go to Asclepieion.  There, to see the ancient foundations of the temple and pay homage to the place that gave the world Hippocrates, the father of medicine. It's not far from the city, and the site is magnificent, full of cypress trees. And you can see that we give priority to archaeology, because even if you love archaeology, on holiday you want to relax. So, a nice walk around the site, a renewed sense of love for the past, and off we go for a swim.

Beaches in Kos

. We have selected three not to be missed. 

The first is called Mastihari and it's the most exotic on the island. It is organised in some places, but that's not really our concern. You go there to enjoy a totally free experience, swimming in its crystal-clear waters. 

To the south-west, Kefalosa village around 40 kilometres from the city. But the journey is well worth it, as Kefalos boasts the beach of Paradise andAgios Stefanos. At Paradise, you can see palm trees popping up where the waves crash. And the whole beach is surrounded by green hills - in short, the beach lives up to its name. 

Ici, tout est organisé, avec des petites tavernes et des bars de plage. Mais aussi des infrastructures pour les sports nautiques, si vous êtes du genre à les pratiquer. Agios Stefanos, en revanche, allie nature et monuments. Ruines de temples paléochrétiens, que l’on peut visiter, ainsi qu’une petite île au milieu de la baie, Kastri. (voir carte de Kos)

Rent a car in Greece: Crete (Heraklion, Chania, Rethymnon, Agios Nikolaos) – AthensRhodesCorfuMykonosSantoriniThessalonikiPreveza/Aktion/Lefkada  – Patras/AraxosKalamataParosSyrosKos NaxosLesbosThassosZakynthos/Zante